Plan to leave the bailout package
Ημερομηνία αρχικής ανάρτησης : 2015-09-13 16:28:00 Timestamp ID : 1442161680
Here we mention the most important points of the Centrists Union that would prevent our affiliation with the IMF and the support mechanism if we implemented them on time, but even if we started applying them today, the greek economy could revamp relatively quickly in a positive growth and show a real and true budget surplus, which will that won’t derive from the economical annihilation of the greek citizens.
The CENTRISTS UNION believes that the rest of the Europeans saw such a brave political housecleaning and compliance of our country since October 2009, that they would show the positive solidarity with Greece and we would avoid the IMF’s longtime adventure of the IMF and its support mechanism.
George Papandreou gnawed precious time with pointless trips and discussions and thus the debt became a borrowing crisis. For this delay he must answer to justice. The courts also have to account all those who served as prime ministers and finance ministers of recent years.
The Centrists Union agrees to bring to our country’s Constitution a term for deficit ceiling of 3% of GDP, because the spoils and nepotism has poisoned the modern Greeks character.
The first thing is to save the economy, the second is to attribute dignity to each Greek.
Prohibiting more than one pension when the first is greater than 1000 euros/month.
Prohibiting the pensioners to work when theur monthly pension exceeds 1000 euros.
Trimming of the pension of those who have other types of income that are able to offer an adequate living standard.
Dismissal of all the sinecure from the public sector.
Immediate abolition of any government grant to the political parties and the cessation of pension payments to all those who have served as MP’s or state officials (the abolition of all privileges of MP’s).
Maximum time spent as a member of parliament is 12 years.
Maximum service as a Prime Minister is two terms.
The immediate dismissal of parliament staff who are appointed by agreement of the parties and having close relationship with current or former Parliament Members. (1200 people estimated).
Recruitment of new staff on the Parliament only through the Supreme Council or Civil Personnel Selection.
Reduction by 20% of all public and private sector salaries and pensions exceeding 2000 euro monthly. (For amounts less than 2000 euros per month there will be no cut out).
Removal of double office and multiple office employees and banning the same person from getting more than one pension.
We ask al Greeks citizens coming to retirement at 65 years of age, with the sole exception of patients.
Increase of Large Property Tax and the tax scale for income from rents into family portions that have three homes.
50% reduction of the salaries of all elected and appointed officials such as: President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, ministers, deputy ministers, parliamentarians, bishops, mayors, regional governors, General Secretaries of all Ministries and senior government officials.
Reduction of the Council of Ministers and return detached and revocable officials in ministries, parties and MP’s services which are organic. (estimated 12,000 people).
Encouraging entrepreneurship through any media and establishing brave incentives to attract investment.
Mandatory bank regulation of all loans, commercial and personal, designated from 2009 onwards as “red loans”.
Separation of debts to the Insurance Organization of Freelancers and other professionals in the Pension and Health sectors for those professionals who have difficulty or inability to pay, from 2009 onwards.
Deletion of what is owed to the Insurance Organization of Freelancers and other professionals of health sector funds.
In the vast majority of cases the Insurance Organization Freelance funds and other professionals, have imposed charges for services and rendered, excluding the uninsured by hospital care and other health benefits.
Moreover, for these debts, the management of the Insurance Organization of Freelancers threatens asset seizures of uninsured freelancers and traders. The absurdity continues with the requirement of the IOF for payment of these contributions to people who are no longer able to meet their contractual obligations.
Capitalization of debt of Pension sector for the insured of the IOF that owe to the Organization.
Establishing social pension 800 euro monthly for all uninsured and resource- depleted Greeks citizens. (Start of the measure when conditions allow).
Taxes on homes will come only to those who have to E9 more than two dwellings. The first two houses of each family are exempt.
Establishing a 30% capital gains tax on land and apartments sales free for the first and second home.
Participation of private sector employees in the profits of enterprises, with a special framework law.
Equalizing of private and public rights at all levels, within 5 years through equalizing salaries and allowances.
Correction of the error been made by reducing the lower rate of pay so that the minimum wage is not less 800 € per month (Starting the measure where circumstances allow).
The possession of multiple offices by 250 thousands of our fellow citizens, the double and triple pensions of 200 thousands of our fellow citizens and 400 000 pensioners that work plus by receiving their monthly pension in excess of 1000 euro (which is strictly prohibited in al European states), the financing of the political parties by the state with enormous annual amounts, the appointment without IOF in the parliament, 1700 sinecure relatives of the MP’s, the sinecure 12000 seconded and revocable civil servants who “stroll around” parties, ministries, advisory offices, staged recruitments or contractors, municipalities, public utilities, the broader public, universities, colleges, the general chaos and debauchery, all of this have brought bankruptcy and as we continue in the same country as the process, the outcome will be very unpleasant.