Statute of Union of Centrists
Timestamp ID : 1518858660
Chapter 1: General agenda
Chapter 2: Goal – Operation
Chapter 3: Members
Chapter 4: Member’s registration process
Chapter 5: Member’s obligations and rights
Chapter 6: Sanctions and loss of the member’s capacity
Chapter 7: Party’s organization
Chapter 8: Congress
Chapter 9: The party’s president
Chapter 10: Central Board
Chapter 11: Executive Central Board
Chapter 12: Parliamentary Representation
Chapter 13: Youth – professional councils
Chapter 14: Party’s financial resources
Chapter 15: Disciplinary central council
Chapter 16: Statute’s Amendment
Article 1.
THE UNION of CENTRISTS, founded on March the 2nd 1992
Article 2.
The headquarters of the UNION of CENTRISTS is located at Karolou Str, No. 28, Athens, Greece.
Article 3.
The emblem of the UNION of CENTRISTS is the rainbow and the phrase UNION of
CENTRISTS under the whole symbol.
Article 4.
The UNION of CENTRISTS is the political party of the Greek people pursued in accordance
with the declaration of March the 2nd to proceed with the clearance and consolidation of
public life, to bring about fundamental changes without shocks and extremes, to utilize the
creative genius of the Greeks leaving no room for profiteering and exploitation. The UNION
of CENTRISTS is therefore the natural roof of all Greek democrats who wisely weigh their
responsibilities to the stronghold of youth to eliminate nepotism, consolidating the rule of law
and restore confidence in the rule of relationships and people.
Article 5.
Within the democratic functioning of the UNION of CENTRISTS, free expression of the
political will is allowed to each member by all means.Article 6.
The representation of the local councils in the wider collective bodies of the UNION of
CENTRISTS (meetings, conferences) is proportional with the population of the region.
Article 7.
The main objective of the UNION of CENTRISTS is the participation and activation in all
party levels of the social masses expressing politically
Article 8.
-The decisions of party enforcers are collectively taken by the majority principle. The respect
for the decisions is obligatory for all enforcing members. Any cases of disagreements
between senior and inferior enforcers are examined by the party’s CENTRAL COUNCIL, the
only enforcer of the party whose decisions are necessarily respected by the lower enforcing
members and all the party members.
– The release of the decisions of any instrument towards other superior and inferior bodies,
are accompanied also by high profiled members announcements with the views of the
– The minority has the right to express in any way and means its disagreement.
Article 9.
– Each member elects and is elected to all bodies of the party. The voting rights are acquired
one month after its registration.
– The election of all bodies is secret.
– The power of attorney granted for representation in meetings or organs of the party is not
possible. Each member participating in conferences or meetings have one vote.
Article 10.
-The representatives of bodies in conferences, congresses etc. required to transpose the
opinions – decisions of those who elected them. But they are free to express their final
opinion during the course of the debate.
Article 11.
– Self criticism and criticism is a right and an obligation within the operation of the party
Article 12.
– Each instrument is required to periodically report to the body which elected. It may be
withdrawn, as a whole or a part of it before the end of the term with the majority decision of
the members of the House.
Article 13.
– During the election process of the instruments at all levels of the party, the assemblies
determine deputy members to be elected in an equal number to 1/3 of the members number of
the corresponding instrument.
Article 14.
– In the UNION of CENTRISTS belongs whoever:
a) Adheres to the principles of March 2 and the statutes of the party and are willing to fight
for their realization.
b) Does not participate or does not offer his/her services to other political party or political
formation, which depends directly or indirectly from a political effort different from the
c) Has completed 18 years of age.
Article 15.
– In order for someone to obtain membership and exercise rights, he/she must complete the
registration form to the Steering Committee (S.C.) of the Local Council (L.C.) (place of work
or residence).
Article 16.
– The new membership application is announced in the first assembly of L.C. A plea for
registration may be submitted by one or more members within one month of the notice of
registration. As long as no objection is raised, the person becomes a member with the passing
of the month. In case of an objection the Assembly will decide after hearing the members that
are concerned.
– The parties who are interested may appeal against the decision of the assembly to the higher
status members.
Article 17.
– When a party’s member changes workplace or residence he/she changes L.C. also. He/she
must inform the L.C. for this type of change. The L.C. will ensure for his/her integration into
the organization of the new workplace or residence. The MPs are entitled to be L.C. members
of the region in which they were elected.
Article 18.
– The party’s member has the following obligations:
a) To actively participate in one of the L.C.
b) To fight for the dissemination of ideological principles of the party program’s politics , and
to contribute to the securing and expanding of the UNION of CENTRISTS ties with the
public masses.
c) To actively participate in mass gatherings and places and to actively work within them in
order for their claims to be satisfied.
d) To constantly raise the ideological and educational level – with continuous study, dialogue
and action – to be highlighted as a conscious and responsible member of the party by enablingthe development of his/her abilities.
e) He/she does not transmit information to third parties on matters which are discussed by the
party instruments.
f) To work consistently and responsibly for the organizational strengthening of the UNION of
CENTRISTS by attracting and integrating new members and for the continuous improvement
of its operation.
g) To directly participate in the decisions of the organization and to stay vigilant for their
inviolable implementation and enforcement of the statute. To display the political and
ideological positions of the party, regardless of the objections or reservations, which raised
during the relevant proceedings and obeys the decisions of those higher status members.
h) To regularly pay his/her monthly subscription. The State may also offer a special
i) To behave in a way that shows that his/hers democratic ideals are not only a political
positions but also a lifestyle.
Article 19.
– The member has the following rights:
a) He/she participates in the discussion and decision making concerning the development of
the program and the party’s policy, both in the L.C. to which it belongs to plus the
conferences, congresses etc being involved.
b) He/she monitors the implementation of the Statute, the program and the party’s decisions.
c) He/she criticizes in the appropriate organs for their operation.
δ) He/she is addressed to the member who is authorized or to the next higher member of the
party for each significant issue that was not resolved or not being addressed properly.Article 20.
-The members of the Executive Central Committee and its working groups as well as the
members of the Central Committee, the Disciplinary Board, the Regional Councils, the
Regional Disciplinary Boards and the Parliamentary Group are actively involved in the action
of the L.C. or the Professional Council to which they belong to, to the extend which allows
their local additional tasks.
Article 21.
– The member may resign by a declaration to the President of the L.C. The waiver applies
from the date that it was submitted.
Article 22.
– To the member that does not comply with the Statute or the regulations or he/she infringes
the decisions of the institutions or the rules of conduct, the following penalties will take place
depending on the seriousness of its infringement, by the Assembly of L.C. or the S.C.:
a) Observation.
b) Impeachment and recall from his/her position status.
c) Temporary suspension of his/hers participation from party proceedures.
d) Removal from the party.
Article 23.
– The member is removed when:
a) He/she supports and promotes opinions that are contrary to the Declaration of March 2.
b) He/she violates the Statute and the party’s regulations.
c) He/she behaves in a manner that does not match his/her membership and has serious
effects to the party’s appearance and activity.
d) He/she stays unjustifiably for more than three consecutive months away from the operation
and activity to the party bodies to which it belongs to.
e) He/she does not pay unduly their subscription for six consecutive months.
Article 24.
– The penalties are imposed against a member by the President of the L.C. after they have
been proven valid. The member that is about to be judged is called mandatorily by the
Assembly to explain and defend him/her self. If in two consecutive invitations he/she refuses
to appear or to justify his/her absence, they will be judged in absentia.
Article 25.
– The member to which any penalty was imposed to him/her shall have the right to appeal to
the Regional Disciplinary Council. After the R.D.C. hears the member, it shall make a final
decision within two months from the day the appeal was submitted.
Article 26.
– If the R.D.C. imposes the remission penalty or temporary suspension of participation in the
party, the member has the right to appeal to the Central Disciplinary Council (D.C.C.) within
a month from the issue of the decision issuing by the primary body.
Article 27.
– The tier institution’s decision is temporarily enforceable until the final judgement by the
secondary or tertiary institution.
Article 28.
– The D.C.C. can deal primarily with a case after a complaint has been issued by a member of
the L.C. or the Ε.C.C. In its decision the parties that are interested can appeal within one
month at the D.C.C.
Article 29.
– For the members of the L.C., D.C.C., C.C. and the C.T. The D.C.C. is primarily responsible
that deals with a case after a complaint made by E.C.C. or the C.C. For members of the
D.C.C. the C.C. is the competent disciplinary body is the C.C. in plenary session, after a
complaint filed by the president of the E.C.C.
Article 30.
– The interested parties can appeal against the first decision of the L.C.C. to the C.C., within
one month of the decision being made. The C.C. may transfer its authority to a committee of
members of its jurisdiction so that they can also judge on the decisions of the L.C.C.
Άρθρο 31.- The process and manner of operation of the disciplinary bodies determined by rules of
procedure being established by the L.C.C. and approved by the C.C.
Article 32.
– Basic policy and organizational unit of the party is the Local Council.Article 33.
– The L.C. is composed by members residing in the same place or in the same workplace. The
composition of the L.C. must represent the social levels of the area, which are expressed
politically by the Centre Union.
Article 34.
– The members of the L.C. that belong to professional organizations should work to
disseminate the party’s principles in their organizations.
Article 35.
– All the members of the L.C. consist the Assembly. It holds meetings at least once a month.
The Assembly elects the Steering Committee, which expresses the composition of the L.C.
The S.C. is elected for one year, carries out the Assembly’s decisions within the boundaries
that are determined by the decisions and instructions of the higher instruments. The Assembly
can revoke the S.C. or any of her members with a majority decision of its registered
members. An emergency meeting of the Assembly shall be taken by the S.C. at the request of
1/3 of the members of the L.C. or the decision of a higher authority.
Article 36.
– The L.C. and the E.C. of each parliamentary region elect representatives for the Regional
Assembly which is the highest coordinating body in the region. The Central Council may
determine that in large cities there will be more meetings.
Article 37.
– The provisions that determine the function of C.C. apply correspondingly also to the
Regional Assembly. The Peripheral Assembly coordinates the activity of L.C., the E.C. the
region and express their views on the political and organizational aspects of the region. The
Regional Assembly elects once a year the D.C. and the D.C.C. The D.C. consists of 11-15
members, D.C.C. from 3 to 5 members.
Article 38.
– The D.C. always executes the decisions of the Peripheral Assembly within the framework
set by the decisions and instructions of the higher proxies of the party.
Article 39.
– The regional parliamentary members have the right to participate in the D.C. along with the
members of the C.C. and the president of the party.
Article 40.
– The D.C. can create Organizational Cores (OD) in areas where there are no L.C. Five or
more people can apply to a D.C. and an O.D. The D.C. must answer within a month. If the
reply is negative the applicants can take the issue to the E.C.C. The decision of the E.C.C. is
final. Where any special circumstances require it, especially in villages with few inhabitants
and fewer than five people can apply to create an O.D. A O.D. has the right to appeal to the
E.C.C. which makes the final decision. By decision of the D.C. many OD of the neighboring
villages can compose a L.C. An objection to convert an OD into a L.C. maybe submitted
within one month of notification of the decision of the D.C. Going against the judgement of
the D.C. can be done by further appealing to the E.C.C. which will make the final decision.
Article 41.
– The D.C can decide the dissolution of one or more L.C. or E.C. as long as they are judged
that the L.C. or E.C:
a) has ceased to function.
b) supports and promotes opinions contrary to the Declaration of March 2
c) fails to fulfill the statutes and regulations of the party.
– The decision to dissolve the L.C. or the E.C. is announced in 8 days at the latest at the
Registry of the CC. The dissolution is finalized after the measure’s approval by the CC. Until
the C.C decides the L.C. or the E.C’s participation within the party is suspended. The D.C. is
required after the dissolution of the L.C. or the E.C. to recommend an OD for the creation of
a new L.C. or E.C.
Article 42.
– The C.C .upon recommendation by the special control committee, may decide to stop the
D.C., as long as it bears acts that are contrary to the statute and regulations of the party. After
the cessation of the D.C., it provides a temporary committee and within three months must
proceed to convene an assembly in order to elect a new D.C.
Article 43.
– Party members who are abroad must be organized in a similar manner like the one that is
enforced in Greece, as far as local conditions permit. In this case the state is assimilated with
the region. The C.C. decides for the organizational structure’s adaption to local conditions.
Article 44.
– The Congress is the party’s supreme body. The court decides the party policy within the
principles of March the 2nd and review the work of C.C. and D.C.C.
Article 45.
– In the Congress the following participate:
a) Representatives from all the L.C. in the country.
b) Representatives of the L.C. from abroad under the principle that all that are organized
outside corresponds to a region of the country.
c) Representatives from E.C. without their whole exceeding the 1/5 of the representatives onL.C.
d) Members of the C.C. that are leaving and members of the D.C.C. that are also leaving.
ε) Members of the P.T.
στ) The party’s president.
– The Congress convention and the electing process of representatives is determined by the
C.C. according to the Statute.
Article 46.
– The Court is issued by the decision of the C.C. at least six months before its convention.
The C.C. immediately opens the precession work.
Article 47.
– The daily agenda of the conference and the pre-conference positions of the C.C. are
published at least four months prior the meeting, in printed form to the bodies of the party.
Also in the same forms the dissenting recomendations are published.
Article 48.
– The pre-congress debate is being held within the L.C. and the E.C. a month prior to the
Conference with the election of the representatives.
Article 49.
– Members that are enrolled after the Conference’s notice are entitled to participate in the
proceedings only if the date of writing two months prior to the convening date of the
Article 50.
– The congress has a quorum when at least 2/3 of the delegates are present.
Article 51.
– The Congress is is formed into one body with the election of a three member presidency.
Until then the Congress is run by the party’s President or a member of the E.C.C.
Article 52.
– The C.C. is accountable for its work and presents a recommendation on the political
situation, on the prospects and functions of the party. If there is a counter proposal from other
members of the C.C. it is submitted at the Conference. Each C.C. or E.C. of the party may
submit opinions, amendments and proposals through its representatives.
Article 53.
– The Congress decides on all issues raised in the discussion during the pre-session period. A
new subject is introduced after the congress majority’s decision.
Article 54.
– Main tasks of the Congress are:
a) Discussion and decision over the C.C.’s.
b) Discussion and decision on the ideological, political and organizational party issues.
c) The President’s election. Each participant has the right of candidacy, which must be
approved by 1/3 of the delegates.d) The election of the members of the C.C. Every participant has the right to submit an
application based on the article 59 and must be approved by 1/20 of the delegates.
e) The election of the members of the D.C.C. Each nomination must be approved by the 1/20
of the delegates.
Article 55.
– The conference is convened every five years. The convening of the Congress may be
postponed by the decision of the C.C. for a year.
Article 56.
– Emergency Congress is being held:
1. By decision of the 2/3 of the members of the C.C.
2. By the suggestion of the 2/3 of the D.C. representing at least 1/3 of the party members.
The convening of an emergency meeting shall be notified five weeks prior. The relevant
agendas to the meeting shall be provided accordingly.
Article 57.
– The party’s president represents the party in all events at home and abroad. Presides at the
N.C.C. recommends to the N.C.C. and C.C. regarding the ideological and political party line
and takes place on urgent matters, when the immediate convocation of the C.C. is difficult.
Article 58.
– The C.C. is the highest body of the party between two Congresses. During this time it
determines the policy of the party based on the principles of the March the 2nd program, the
Statute and the decisions of the Congresses. The C.C. consists of 60-80 members and the
Article 59.
– The C.C.’s composition must fulfill the conditions of the article 7.
More specifically:
a) 40 C.C. members are elected freely by the Congress. The members can have any capacity
to the party.
b) 20 C.C. members are elected by the Congress from among the members of P.T. If the
P.T. has fewer than 21 members then all members participate in all C.C.
c) 20 members are elected by the Congress from among the members of the party’s E.C.s
Article 60.
– The C.C. meets at least once in three months. Holds an emergency meeting if the 1/3 of itsmembers requests it, or the N.C.C. or the President requests it.
Article 61.
– The C.C. has quorum when 2/3 of its members are present.
Article 62.
– The C.C. elects:
a) The N.C.C. All members of the N.C.C. must be members of the C.C. Two of the members
should have the status of the MP. Two of the members must belong to the guidance of the
N.C. of the party.
b) A five -member Financial Audit Committee.
The C.C. hears the disciplinary interventions of the D.C.C. members and has the authorities
that are addressed in article 30.
Article 63.
– The C.C. provides the party member candidates after the recommendation of regional
meetings or the C.C.
Article 64.
– The E.C.C. is the senior executive body. It monitors and controls the process the
implementation of the decisions of C.C. and addresses all the current political and
organizational problems of the party always in the framework of general political and
ideological positions being determined by the C.C. and the party’s President.
Article 65.
– The N.C.C. consists of the President and eight members.
Article 66.
– The N.C.C. creates and directs Working Committees that assist the party’s administration.
Article 67.
– All decisions and the proceedings of the N.C.C. are available to the C.C. which is
Article 68.
– The N.C.C, may in specific cases with the assent of the President to assign the
representations of the party on one of its members or a C.C. member. The N.C.C. convenes
with the C.C., sets the agenda for the meeting of the C.C. and introduces the issues.
Article 69.
– The party’s MPs consist of the P.T.
Article 70.
– The P.T. expresses the party’s positions and determines the specific tactics in the
Parliament House. It defends inside and outside of the Parliament, the country’s interests and
its employees and ensures for their promotion within the boundaries of the party.
Article 71.
– The MP of the party can not be a member of the D.C..
Article 72.
– The Youth, in which party members of age 18-30 years may be involved, is an integral part
of the party. This principle is within the party for full and active participation and expression
of young people in the political and social life of our country.
Article 73.
– The youth is included in the party’s organizational structure with participation and
expression in all levels of the organization.
Article 74.
– The particular problem of the youth and in particular the dynamics of the youth’s role
dictate a vertical form and functional composition being guaranteed and specific by internal
regulations. The vertical synthesis in the youth’s area, is a part of the overall hierarchy and
structure of the party, determined by the Statute and its bodies. The enlightenment,
fermentation and the mobilization of youth on its own initiative is limited to issues of the
youth’s, but without preluding the expression of opinion and other issues facing the country.
Article 75.
– In the Professional Councils (P.C.) party members that belong to the same or related
professions or sciences participate only. The P.C.s are established by the decision of the D.C.
The provisions that determine the creation and functioning of the P.C. are similar to those
valid for the L.C. The article 74 defines the framework of structure and function of the P/C/
of the party.
Article 76.
– Economic resources of the UNION of CENTRISTS are:
a) Membership fees. The President of the party determines the amount of subscription. The
subscription may be proportional to the income of the member.
b) The emergency contributions of members.
c) The contributions of the party’s friends.
d) Income sources from various other events and activities.
Article 77.
– The responsibility for the party’s finances is the Labour Commission being appointed bythe N.C.C. The L.C. has the right to request a financial statement of all party organizations.
No other organization, agency, board or other body can deny this request. Each institution is
obliged to financially settled at regular intervals.
Article 78.
– The control of party’s financial management belongs to the Financial Audit Committee,
which reports to the C.C. The Financial Audit Committee of the N.C.C. Working Committee
just like all other party organs.
Article 79.
– The D.C.C. gets elected by the Congress to which it reports to. It consists of seven
members. Its members are not members of the C.C. Two of its members have the MP status.
Article 80.
– The D.C.C. examines a secondary degree or tertiary cases considered by the D.P.C. It
examines a primary case concerning members of the D.C., the D.P.C. the C.C. the P.T. The
D.C.C. makes the decision within one month at the latest.
Article 81.
– Any amendments of the Statute is made only by the Congress.
Article 82.
– For any matter that is not covered by the Statute, it is decided by the C.C. based on the
general principles of the party or the party president.
Article 83.
– On March 2nd, 1992, Vassileios Leventis was elected as the president of the UNION of
CENTRISTS and has, ever since enjoyed the trust of the vast majority of members of the
party up to this date.
Exact copy
The President of the Party
Ημερομηνία αρχικής ανάρτησης : 2018-02-17 09:11:00 Timestamp ID : 1518858660
Chapter 1: General agenda
Chapter 2: Goal – Operation
Chapter 3: Members
Chapter 4: Member’s registration process
Chapter 5: Member’s obligations and rights
Chapter 6: Sanctions and loss of the member’s capacity
Chapter 7: Party’s organization
Chapter 8: Congress
Chapter 9: The party’s president
Chapter 10: Central Board
Chapter 11: Executive Central Board
Chapter 12: Parliamentary Representation
Chapter 13: Youth – professional councils
Chapter 14: Party’s financial resources
Chapter 15: Disciplinary central council
Chapter 16: Statute’s Amendment
Article 1.
THE UNION of CENTRISTS, founded on March the 2nd 1992
Article 2.
The headquarters of the UNION of CENTRISTS is located at Karolou Str, No. 28, Athens, Greece.
Article 3.
The emblem of the UNION of CENTRISTS is the rainbow and the phrase UNION of
CENTRISTS under the whole symbol.
Article 4.
The UNION of CENTRISTS is the political party of the Greek people pursued in accordance
with the declaration of March the 2nd to proceed with the clearance and consolidation of
public life, to bring about fundamental changes without shocks and extremes, to utilize the
creative genius of the Greeks leaving no room for profiteering and exploitation. The UNION
of CENTRISTS is therefore the natural roof of all Greek democrats who wisely weigh their
responsibilities to the stronghold of youth to eliminate nepotism, consolidating the rule of law
and restore confidence in the rule of relationships and people.
Article 5.
Within the democratic functioning of the UNION of CENTRISTS, free expression of the
political will is allowed to each member by all means.Article 6.
The representation of the local councils in the wider collective bodies of the UNION of
CENTRISTS (meetings, conferences) is proportional with the population of the region.
Article 7.
The main objective of the UNION of CENTRISTS is the participation and activation in all
party levels of the social masses expressing politically
Article 8.
-The decisions of party enforcers are collectively taken by the majority principle. The respect
for the decisions is obligatory for all enforcing members. Any cases of disagreements
between senior and inferior enforcers are examined by the party’s CENTRAL COUNCIL, the
only enforcer of the party whose decisions are necessarily respected by the lower enforcing
members and all the party members.
– The release of the decisions of any instrument towards other superior and inferior bodies,
are accompanied also by high profiled members announcements with the views of the
– The minority has the right to express in any way and means its disagreement.
Article 9.
– Each member elects and is elected to all bodies of the party. The voting rights are acquired
one month after its registration.
– The election of all bodies is secret.
– The power of attorney granted for representation in meetings or organs of the party is not
possible. Each member participating in conferences or meetings have one vote.
Article 10.
-The representatives of bodies in conferences, congresses etc. required to transpose the
opinions – decisions of those who elected them. But they are free to express their final
opinion during the course of the debate.
Article 11.
– Self criticism and criticism is a right and an obligation within the operation of the party
Article 12.
– Each instrument is required to periodically report to the body which elected. It may be
withdrawn, as a whole or a part of it before the end of the term with the majority decision of
the members of the House.
Article 13.
– During the election process of the instruments at all levels of the party, the assemblies
determine deputy members to be elected in an equal number to 1/3 of the members number of
the corresponding instrument.
Article 14.
– In the UNION of CENTRISTS belongs whoever:
a) Adheres to the principles of March 2 and the statutes of the party and are willing to fight
for their realization.
b) Does not participate or does not offer his/her services to other political party or political
formation, which depends directly or indirectly from a political effort different from the
c) Has completed 18 years of age.
Article 15.
– In order for someone to obtain membership and exercise rights, he/she must complete the
registration form to the Steering Committee (S.C.) of the Local Council (L.C.) (place of work
or residence).
Article 16.
– The new membership application is announced in the first assembly of L.C. A plea for
registration may be submitted by one or more members within one month of the notice of
registration. As long as no objection is raised, the person becomes a member with the passing
of the month. In case of an objection the Assembly will decide after hearing the members that
are concerned.
– The parties who are interested may appeal against the decision of the assembly to the higher
status members.
Article 17.
– When a party’s member changes workplace or residence he/she changes L.C. also. He/she
must inform the L.C. for this type of change. The L.C. will ensure for his/her integration into
the organization of the new workplace or residence. The MPs are entitled to be L.C. members
of the region in which they were elected.
Article 18.
– The party’s member has the following obligations:
a) To actively participate in one of the L.C.
b) To fight for the dissemination of ideological principles of the party program’s politics , and
to contribute to the securing and expanding of the UNION of CENTRISTS ties with the
public masses.
c) To actively participate in mass gatherings and places and to actively work within them in
order for their claims to be satisfied.
d) To constantly raise the ideological and educational level – with continuous study, dialogue
and action – to be highlighted as a conscious and responsible member of the party by enablingthe development of his/her abilities.
e) He/she does not transmit information to third parties on matters which are discussed by the
party instruments.
f) To work consistently and responsibly for the organizational strengthening of the UNION of
CENTRISTS by attracting and integrating new members and for the continuous improvement
of its operation.
g) To directly participate in the decisions of the organization and to stay vigilant for their
inviolable implementation and enforcement of the statute. To display the political and
ideological positions of the party, regardless of the objections or reservations, which raised
during the relevant proceedings and obeys the decisions of those higher status members.
h) To regularly pay his/her monthly subscription. The State may also offer a special
i) To behave in a way that shows that his/hers democratic ideals are not only a political
positions but also a lifestyle.
Article 19.
– The member has the following rights:
a) He/she participates in the discussion and decision making concerning the development of
the program and the party’s policy, both in the L.C. to which it belongs to plus the
conferences, congresses etc being involved.
b) He/she monitors the implementation of the Statute, the program and the party’s decisions.
c) He/she criticizes in the appropriate organs for their operation.
δ) He/she is addressed to the member who is authorized or to the next higher member of the
party for each significant issue that was not resolved or not being addressed properly.Article 20.
-The members of the Executive Central Committee and its working groups as well as the
members of the Central Committee, the Disciplinary Board, the Regional Councils, the
Regional Disciplinary Boards and the Parliamentary Group are actively involved in the action
of the L.C. or the Professional Council to which they belong to, to the extend which allows
their local additional tasks.
Article 21.
– The member may resign by a declaration to the President of the L.C. The waiver applies
from the date that it was submitted.
Article 22.
– To the member that does not comply with the Statute or the regulations or he/she infringes
the decisions of the institutions or the rules of conduct, the following penalties will take place
depending on the seriousness of its infringement, by the Assembly of L.C. or the S.C.:
a) Observation.
b) Impeachment and recall from his/her position status.
c) Temporary suspension of his/hers participation from party proceedures.
d) Removal from the party.
Article 23.
– The member is removed when:
a) He/she supports and promotes opinions that are contrary to the Declaration of March 2.
b) He/she violates the Statute and the party’s regulations.
c) He/she behaves in a manner that does not match his/her membership and has serious
effects to the party’s appearance and activity.
d) He/she stays unjustifiably for more than three consecutive months away from the operation
and activity to the party bodies to which it belongs to.
e) He/she does not pay unduly their subscription for six consecutive months.
Article 24.
– The penalties are imposed against a member by the President of the L.C. after they have
been proven valid. The member that is about to be judged is called mandatorily by the
Assembly to explain and defend him/her self. If in two consecutive invitations he/she refuses
to appear or to justify his/her absence, they will be judged in absentia.
Article 25.
– The member to which any penalty was imposed to him/her shall have the right to appeal to
the Regional Disciplinary Council. After the R.D.C. hears the member, it shall make a final
decision within two months from the day the appeal was submitted.
Article 26.
– If the R.D.C. imposes the remission penalty or temporary suspension of participation in the
party, the member has the right to appeal to the Central Disciplinary Council (D.C.C.) within
a month from the issue of the decision issuing by the primary body.
Article 27.
– The tier institution’s decision is temporarily enforceable until the final judgement by the
secondary or tertiary institution.
Article 28.
– The D.C.C. can deal primarily with a case after a complaint has been issued by a member of
the L.C. or the Ε.C.C. In its decision the parties that are interested can appeal within one
month at the D.C.C.
Article 29.
– For the members of the L.C., D.C.C., C.C. and the C.T. The D.C.C. is primarily responsible
that deals with a case after a complaint made by E.C.C. or the C.C. For members of the
D.C.C. the C.C. is the competent disciplinary body is the C.C. in plenary session, after a
complaint filed by the president of the E.C.C.
Article 30.
– The interested parties can appeal against the first decision of the L.C.C. to the C.C., within
one month of the decision being made. The C.C. may transfer its authority to a committee of
members of its jurisdiction so that they can also judge on the decisions of the L.C.C.
Άρθρο 31.- The process and manner of operation of the disciplinary bodies determined by rules of
procedure being established by the L.C.C. and approved by the C.C.
Article 32.
– Basic policy and organizational unit of the party is the Local Council.Article 33.
– The L.C. is composed by members residing in the same place or in the same workplace. The
composition of the L.C. must represent the social levels of the area, which are expressed
politically by the Centre Union.
Article 34.
– The members of the L.C. that belong to professional organizations should work to
disseminate the party’s principles in their organizations.
Article 35.
– All the members of the L.C. consist the Assembly. It holds meetings at least once a month.
The Assembly elects the Steering Committee, which expresses the composition of the L.C.
The S.C. is elected for one year, carries out the Assembly’s decisions within the boundaries
that are determined by the decisions and instructions of the higher instruments. The Assembly
can revoke the S.C. or any of her members with a majority decision of its registered
members. An emergency meeting of the Assembly shall be taken by the S.C. at the request of
1/3 of the members of the L.C. or the decision of a higher authority.
Article 36.
– The L.C. and the E.C. of each parliamentary region elect representatives for the Regional
Assembly which is the highest coordinating body in the region. The Central Council may
determine that in large cities there will be more meetings.
Article 37.
– The provisions that determine the function of C.C. apply correspondingly also to the
Regional Assembly. The Peripheral Assembly coordinates the activity of L.C., the E.C. the
region and express their views on the political and organizational aspects of the region. The
Regional Assembly elects once a year the D.C. and the D.C.C. The D.C. consists of 11-15
members, D.C.C. from 3 to 5 members.
Article 38.
– The D.C. always executes the decisions of the Peripheral Assembly within the framework
set by the decisions and instructions of the higher proxies of the party.
Article 39.
– The regional parliamentary members have the right to participate in the D.C. along with the
members of the C.C. and the president of the party.
Article 40.
– The D.C. can create Organizational Cores (OD) in areas where there are no L.C. Five or
more people can apply to a D.C. and an O.D. The D.C. must answer within a month. If the
reply is negative the applicants can take the issue to the E.C.C. The decision of the E.C.C. is
final. Where any special circumstances require it, especially in villages with few inhabitants
and fewer than five people can apply to create an O.D. A O.D. has the right to appeal to the
E.C.C. which makes the final decision. By decision of the D.C. many OD of the neighboring
villages can compose a L.C. An objection to convert an OD into a L.C. maybe submitted
within one month of notification of the decision of the D.C. Going against the judgement of
the D.C. can be done by further appealing to the E.C.C. which will make the final decision.
Article 41.
– The D.C can decide the dissolution of one or more L.C. or E.C. as long as they are judged
that the L.C. or E.C:
a) has ceased to function.
b) supports and promotes opinions contrary to the Declaration of March 2
c) fails to fulfill the statutes and regulations of the party.
– The decision to dissolve the L.C. or the E.C. is announced in 8 days at the latest at the
Registry of the CC. The dissolution is finalized after the measure’s approval by the CC. Until
the C.C decides the L.C. or the E.C’s participation within the party is suspended. The D.C. is
required after the dissolution of the L.C. or the E.C. to recommend an OD for the creation of
a new L.C. or E.C.
Article 42.
– The C.C .upon recommendation by the special control committee, may decide to stop the
D.C., as long as it bears acts that are contrary to the statute and regulations of the party. After
the cessation of the D.C., it provides a temporary committee and within three months must
proceed to convene an assembly in order to elect a new D.C.
Article 43.
– Party members who are abroad must be organized in a similar manner like the one that is
enforced in Greece, as far as local conditions permit. In this case the state is assimilated with
the region. The C.C. decides for the organizational structure’s adaption to local conditions.
Article 44.
– The Congress is the party’s supreme body. The court decides the party policy within the
principles of March the 2nd and review the work of C.C. and D.C.C.
Article 45.
– In the Congress the following participate:
a) Representatives from all the L.C. in the country.
b) Representatives of the L.C. from abroad under the principle that all that are organized
outside corresponds to a region of the country.
c) Representatives from E.C. without their whole exceeding the 1/5 of the representatives onL.C.
d) Members of the C.C. that are leaving and members of the D.C.C. that are also leaving.
ε) Members of the P.T.
στ) The party’s president.
– The Congress convention and the electing process of representatives is determined by the
C.C. according to the Statute.
Article 46.
– The Court is issued by the decision of the C.C. at least six months before its convention.
The C.C. immediately opens the precession work.
Article 47.
– The daily agenda of the conference and the pre-conference positions of the C.C. are
published at least four months prior the meeting, in printed form to the bodies of the party.
Also in the same forms the dissenting recomendations are published.
Article 48.
– The pre-congress debate is being held within the L.C. and the E.C. a month prior to the
Conference with the election of the representatives.
Article 49.
– Members that are enrolled after the Conference’s notice are entitled to participate in the
proceedings only if the date of writing two months prior to the convening date of the
Article 50.
– The congress has a quorum when at least 2/3 of the delegates are present.
Article 51.
– The Congress is is formed into one body with the election of a three member presidency.
Until then the Congress is run by the party’s President or a member of the E.C.C.
Article 52.
– The C.C. is accountable for its work and presents a recommendation on the political
situation, on the prospects and functions of the party. If there is a counter proposal from other
members of the C.C. it is submitted at the Conference. Each C.C. or E.C. of the party may
submit opinions, amendments and proposals through its representatives.
Article 53.
– The Congress decides on all issues raised in the discussion during the pre-session period. A
new subject is introduced after the congress majority’s decision.
Article 54.
– Main tasks of the Congress are:
a) Discussion and decision over the C.C.’s.
b) Discussion and decision on the ideological, political and organizational party issues.
c) The President’s election. Each participant has the right of candidacy, which must be
approved by 1/3 of the delegates.d) The election of the members of the C.C. Every participant has the right to submit an
application based on the article 59 and must be approved by 1/20 of the delegates.
e) The election of the members of the D.C.C. Each nomination must be approved by the 1/20
of the delegates.
Article 55.
– The conference is convened every five years. The convening of the Congress may be
postponed by the decision of the C.C. for a year.
Article 56.
– Emergency Congress is being held:
1. By decision of the 2/3 of the members of the C.C.
2. By the suggestion of the 2/3 of the D.C. representing at least 1/3 of the party members.
The convening of an emergency meeting shall be notified five weeks prior. The relevant
agendas to the meeting shall be provided accordingly.
Article 57.
– The party’s president represents the party in all events at home and abroad. Presides at the
N.C.C. recommends to the N.C.C. and C.C. regarding the ideological and political party line
and takes place on urgent matters, when the immediate convocation of the C.C. is difficult.
Article 58.
– The C.C. is the highest body of the party between two Congresses. During this time it
determines the policy of the party based on the principles of the March the 2nd program, the
Statute and the decisions of the Congresses. The C.C. consists of 60-80 members and the
Article 59.
– The C.C.’s composition must fulfill the conditions of the article 7.
More specifically:
a) 40 C.C. members are elected freely by the Congress. The members can have any capacity
to the party.
b) 20 C.C. members are elected by the Congress from among the members of P.T. If the
P.T. has fewer than 21 members then all members participate in all C.C.
c) 20 members are elected by the Congress from among the members of the party’s E.C.s
Article 60.
– The C.C. meets at least once in three months. Holds an emergency meeting if the 1/3 of itsmembers requests it, or the N.C.C. or the President requests it.
Article 61.
– The C.C. has quorum when 2/3 of its members are present.
Article 62.
– The C.C. elects:
a) The N.C.C. All members of the N.C.C. must be members of the C.C. Two of the members
should have the status of the MP. Two of the members must belong to the guidance of the
N.C. of the party.
b) A five -member Financial Audit Committee.
The C.C. hears the disciplinary interventions of the D.C.C. members and has the authorities
that are addressed in article 30.
Article 63.
– The C.C. provides the party member candidates after the recommendation of regional
meetings or the C.C.
Article 64.
– The E.C.C. is the senior executive body. It monitors and controls the process the
implementation of the decisions of C.C. and addresses all the current political and
organizational problems of the party always in the framework of general political and
ideological positions being determined by the C.C. and the party’s President.
Article 65.
– The N.C.C. consists of the President and eight members.
Article 66.
– The N.C.C. creates and directs Working Committees that assist the party’s administration.
Article 67.
– All decisions and the proceedings of the N.C.C. are available to the C.C. which is
Article 68.
– The N.C.C, may in specific cases with the assent of the President to assign the
representations of the party on one of its members or a C.C. member. The N.C.C. convenes
with the C.C., sets the agenda for the meeting of the C.C. and introduces the issues.
Article 69.
– The party’s MPs consist of the P.T.
Article 70.
– The P.T. expresses the party’s positions and determines the specific tactics in the
Parliament House. It defends inside and outside of the Parliament, the country’s interests and
its employees and ensures for their promotion within the boundaries of the party.
Article 71.
– The MP of the party can not be a member of the D.C..
Article 72.
– The Youth, in which party members of age 18-30 years may be involved, is an integral part
of the party. This principle is within the party for full and active participation and expression
of young people in the political and social life of our country.
Article 73.
– The youth is included in the party’s organizational structure with participation and
expression in all levels of the organization.
Article 74.
– The particular problem of the youth and in particular the dynamics of the youth’s role
dictate a vertical form and functional composition being guaranteed and specific by internal
regulations. The vertical synthesis in the youth’s area, is a part of the overall hierarchy and
structure of the party, determined by the Statute and its bodies. The enlightenment,
fermentation and the mobilization of youth on its own initiative is limited to issues of the
youth’s, but without preluding the expression of opinion and other issues facing the country.
Article 75.
– In the Professional Councils (P.C.) party members that belong to the same or related
professions or sciences participate only. The P.C.s are established by the decision of the D.C.
The provisions that determine the creation and functioning of the P.C. are similar to those
valid for the L.C. The article 74 defines the framework of structure and function of the P/C/
of the party.
Article 76.
– Economic resources of the UNION of CENTRISTS are:
a) Membership fees. The President of the party determines the amount of subscription. The
subscription may be proportional to the income of the member.
b) The emergency contributions of members.
c) The contributions of the party’s friends.
d) Income sources from various other events and activities.
Article 77.
– The responsibility for the party’s finances is the Labour Commission being appointed bythe N.C.C. The L.C. has the right to request a financial statement of all party organizations.
No other organization, agency, board or other body can deny this request. Each institution is
obliged to financially settled at regular intervals.
Article 78.
– The control of party’s financial management belongs to the Financial Audit Committee,
which reports to the C.C. The Financial Audit Committee of the N.C.C. Working Committee
just like all other party organs.
Article 79.
– The D.C.C. gets elected by the Congress to which it reports to. It consists of seven
members. Its members are not members of the C.C. Two of its members have the MP status.
Article 80.
– The D.C.C. examines a secondary degree or tertiary cases considered by the D.P.C. It
examines a primary case concerning members of the D.C., the D.P.C. the C.C. the P.T. The
D.C.C. makes the decision within one month at the latest.
Article 81.
– Any amendments of the Statute is made only by the Congress.
Article 82.
– For any matter that is not covered by the Statute, it is decided by the C.C. based on the
general principles of the party or the party president.
Article 83.
– On March 2nd, 1992, Vassileios Leventis was elected as the president of the UNION of
CENTRISTS and has, ever since enjoyed the trust of the vast majority of members of the
party up to this date.
Exact copy
The President of the Party